About Us

The Trademark Store was founded in 2009 by trademark agent and solicitor Kayanne Horgan, as an Irish based trademark agent.
We are registered Irish and European Trademark Attorneys.

At trademarkstore.ie we provide a range of intellectual property service such as search, filing and registration of trademarks as well as monitoring of your trademark.

trademarkstore.ie is a web-site operated by Kayanne Horgan Solicitors. We are registered European trademark agent under Registration Number 46612 with the European Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) www.oami.europa.eu. and as Irish Trademark Agent under Trademark No. P/18/01/0412/1 with the Irish Patent Office www.patentsoffice.ie.

Our offices are located at 3rd Floor, The Odeon Rooms, Odeon House, Eyre Square, Galway. Our enquires email address is kayanne@khorgansolicitors.com. Office hours are 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM Monday to Friday. Parking is available nearour offices.

If you would like to discuss your trademark please use our free telephone consultation service on 091- 865367 and we can guide you through your options. Alternatively you can simply register the trademark you wish to search against and/or register on our web-site and we will complete your registration within 24 hours of receiving your information.

Our Services include……

  • Referral for domain name registration with www.iedr.ie for Irish domain names .ie, with www.nominet.org.uk for UK domain names and for international gTLD’s (generic top-level domain names) with www.icann.org.
  • Referral for company incorporation services for registration of a new company with the Companies Registration Office www.cro.ie.