What you may not realise is that registering your logo/trademark is very time sensitive as a trademark application can potentially determine:

– Whether you have the legal right to stop anyone else from using upon your trademark; and

– Whether a third party has the power to literally force you to “close up shop” by stopping you from using a logo/trademark that you had
previously believed was legally yours!

At The Trademark Store we believe it should be easy to start a business so we offer fixed professional fees to file a trademark.
One of the first decisions you face as an entrepreneur or business owner is to find a name for your business, product or service. Finding a good name has always been hard. But it has become increasingly difficult today – both regarding domain names for web-sites and trademarks.

For many small business owners, registering a trademark does not seem like a pressing matter when dealing with other important issues such as keeping business coming through the door and the rest. Logo registration for trademark protection often gets placed on the bottom of the “to-do” list.

About us

The Trademark Store

Our service was founded in 2009 by trademark agent Kayanne Horgan, as an Irish based trademark agent. We are registered Irish and European Trademark Attorneys.

At The Trademark Store we provide a range of intellectual property service such as search, filing and registration of trademarks as well as monitoring of your trademark.

Kayanne Horgan Trademark Store
Kayanne Horgan - Trademark Store